We got up at about 8:30am to discover it was still raining. We
left Anne and Terry's at about 12:20pm and the BMW started without any
problems despite sitting in the rain all night. The rain eased off
with only showers in places on the way to Moss Vale. We had lunch
at Moss Vale at about 1:45pm. The Southern Highlands area was very
damp and on the way to Fitzroy Falls quite a few paddocks were flooded.
We stopped at Fitzroy falls at about 2:30pm and it started raining again.
The Falls were amazing. The water was blasting off the edge of the
cliff as the creek's level was dangerously high.
We headed off in the rain down the road to Kangaroo Valley. The
road zig zags it's way down the back of the range and is quite steep.
In the wet I took it very slowly, constantly pulling over to let cars pass.
I was surprised to find that once the cars were in front of me they didn't
travel much faster than me anyway. From Kangaroo Valley we continued
on down more twisty roads, some sections had temporary waterfalls gushing
from the roadside cliffs while other sections of road had water over them.
Finally we reached Nowra at about 3:30pm to see that the river level
there was quite high.
Junko told me that the GPz's speedo no longer worked. We continued on riding through more showers. We reached Milton at about 4:30pm then Ulladulla at about 4:40pm. As we left Ulladulla the weather cleared up and we reached Batemans Bay just after the sun when down at about 6:00pm. We chose a Caravan Park from the map at the Tourist Information Centre and booked in. The lady explained that the sites were a bit soggy, but we found one that was relatively dry. We set up the tent and then had dinner at one of the hotels in Batemans Bay.